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Showing posts from July, 2018

Genius in five steps

 How to increase mental capability Tony buzan is the leading expert on Brain and learning techniques ,who author and Co author more than hundred books. Tony is the inventor of Revolutionary mind mapping technique. Mind mapping technique:  it is a graphical way to represent ideas and concepts . It is a visual thinking tool that helps structuring information , better analyze , memories , synthesize ,recall and generate new ideas. Mind Mapping is a process that involves a distinct combination of imagery, colour and visual-spatial arrangement. The technique maps out your thoughts using keywords that trigger associations in the brain to spark further ideas. Through his work in media Tony aim to educate the world on how to use brain more efficiently . According to him the following steps will help you to make your brain more efficient like the genius have . Step 1 : Realise the power of the brain  According to Tony everyone has the potential for genius. The human brain is far mo