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Showing posts from June, 2018

Psychosis : people without labels.

Psychosis what does you thought it is, actually the correct definition of psychosis is currently not given by any scientist or doctor because we currently don't know much about it however Dr. T.suang gives the most appropriate definition of psychosis, according to him"it is psychiatric illness with serious distortion of thoughts, behaviour and capacity to recognise reality and perception". It is the fever of mental illness serious but not specific indicator. It should be distinguished from term Insanity  (where person is not responsible for his Criminal action). Actually psychosis is a type of a mental illness. The mental illness are divided into two categories 1) Neurosis : In neurosis insights present i.e patient is aware of his illness  and he maybe ready to take medication.   Neurosis are following types  1. Anxiety (most common neurosis)   unpleasant emotional state associated   with uneasiness, worry, tension and   concern for the future.  2. Phobi

Pranayama - breathing control in yoga

Types of pranayama ' Pranayama ’ is the fourth stage in Pathanjali’s eight stage Yoga discipline. Two Sanskrit words are combined in the word ’Pranayama’ - Prana and Ayama. ’ Prana ’ means life or life force. ' Ayama ’ means development or control. Therefore, Pranayama is the development and control of life force. It is a form of breathing exercise, very important in yoga. It goes along with the asanas or exercise.  There are various types of Pranayama. Some of the popular forms are : Ujjayee Shitali Viloma Kapalbhati  Sheetkari  Bhastrika 1. Ujjayee Pranayama  : Ujjayee in Sanskrit means victorious. Ujjayee can be performed in a standing position as well as in a lying position. Method   Sitting Position 1. Sit in a cross-legged position with back straight.  2. Let your hands rest on knees. Relax your body and mind.  3. Inhale deeply and exhale smoothly.  4. Tighten your neck muscles and make a sound with your closed mouth, While inhaling. 5. Wh

Asana - the fundamental of yoga.

      Asana Asana refers to various postures that are the fundamental basis of yoga. Poses of yoga for beginners  1) Tadasana  (Heavenly stretch pose): This is a traditional posture. The final position of this asana resembles the Palm tree. Palm tree is usually erect and straight. Therefore, one should stand it Straight and erect in this asana.   Method 1)Stand erect, legs together, hands by the side of the thighs. Look in front. 2)Raise your hands straight in front up to arms. Palms facing each other. 3)Bring the hands up straight towards sky, fingers pointing upward. 4)Now slowly raise your heels and stand on toes. Raise heels as much as  you can. Stretch body up as much as possible. 5)While returning to the original position, bring your heels on the ground first. 6) Slowly bring down your hands also. Advantages 1. This improves height. 2.Spine becomes flexible. 3. Visceroptosis and pain in the backbone is relieved. 2.  Vrikshasana  (tree pose):  ”

History of yoga and it's health benefits

History of yoga Yoga is the oldest physical discipline in existence known to humankind. It is as old as civilization. Yoga derives its roots from pre-historic periods and It will develops out of ancient indian asceticism (tapas). Its origin has been traced back to ancient Hindu Wisdom. History reveals this old health science originated before 6000 BC in India. Yoga finds mentioning in Upnishads, Bhagwat Gita and yoga sutras of Patanjali. Yoga has taken up a new shape in the twentieth century which is contrary to its history of life long devotion. Yoga is now spreading all over the world.   Elements of Yoga 1. Yama or ’restraint’ 2, Niyama or ’purity’ : For purity ethical practices of five senses is included which are the five niyamas : Saucha Santosha Tapa Swadhyaya  Ishwara pranidhana  3. Asana or ’postures’  4. Pranayama or ’breathing exercises’  5. Pratyahara or ’sensory withdrawal’  6. Dharana or ’concentration’  7.Dhyana or ’meditation’  8. Samadhi or ’bl

Importance of warming up

                            Warm-up A warm-up is any activity usually performed before participating in sports or exercise.It is taken up to prepare the body physically , mentally and physiologically for sports and strenuous activity.A warm-up general consist of a gradual increase in intensity in physical activity , a joint mobility exercise , stretching and a sports reparel activity . For example, before running or any intense sport one might slowly jog to warm muscle and increase heart rate . it is important that warm up should be specific to exercise that will follow, which means that warm-up should prepare the muscle to be used and to activate the energy system that are required for that particular activity . Warming up may be understood more clearly by the following statements : A warm up is usually performed before participating in sport of exercising An act of preparing for a performance A regime of gentle exercise undertaken before some strenuous exercise or spor

Is Magnet therapy real.

Magnet therapy Introduction Magnetic therapy is an  medical practice that uses  magnets to relieve pain and other health issues. The magnets are generally embedded into bracelets, rings, shoe inserts, mattresses and clothing . According many well-conducted studies over the past few decades have shown that static magnetic devices have no effects on general physiological condition. These studies suggest that the magnetic therapy devices may have placebo effect on those who wear/ use them. Despite a lack of scientific evidence to support claims that  magnetic therapy devices work, wearable magnets devices  remain extremely popular. Global sale of therapeutic magnets is about approx $1 billion a year. History Magnetic therapy dates back at least 2,000 years, when Folk healers in Europe and Asia are believed to have used magnets to to treat a variety of ailments and believe that magnet pulls disease out of body. Now a days people believe that therapeutic effects of magnet