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Importance of warming up


A warm-up is any activity usually performed before participating in sports or exercise.It is taken up to prepare the body physically , mentally and physiologically for sports and strenuous activity.A warm-up general consist of a gradual increase in intensity in physical activity , a joint mobility exercise , stretching and a sports reparel activity . For example, before running or any intense sport one might slowly jog to warm muscle and increase heart rate .
Warming up

it is important that warm up should be specific to exercise that will follow, which means that warm-up should prepare the muscle to be used and to activate the energy system that are required for that particular activity . Warming up may be understood more clearly by the following statements :
  • A warm up is usually performed before participating in sport of exercising
  • An act of preparing for a performance
  • A regime of gentle exercise undertaken before some strenuous exercise or sport.
  • Warming up is done to tone up the body so as to meet the ensuing activity.
Warming up is a preliminary exercise of physical and mental preparation for a strenuous exertion.
Push ups

Scholar and physical educationalist are divided in their opinion on warm up. some give argument against it saying that it is a waste of time and energy. they claim that unnecessary energy is used up in warming up which could be put to be better used during the activity as it reduces explosive strength .According to them warming up hinders peak performance.
A greater number of scholars and physical educationisrs hold the opinion that warm up is essential prior to any activity ,sports or game .They reason that warm-up will improve the effectiveness of training and should be done before every training session this is fundamental to safe practice. It has been observed at warming up reduces wear and Tear of a muscle and risk of injury during activity it prepare the person better for activity and performance  by activating the muscle to be used during activity.
Warm up

Types of warm up
Warming up is of two types 
1)general warming up - general warming up consist of simple activities performed prior to all type of sports, activities or sports. the general warm up should consist of a tight physical activity like Walking ,jogging, easy swimming ,stationery bike ,skipping or easy aerobatics .the aim of general warm up is simply to elevate the heart rate and respiratory rate this in turn increase the blood flow and help with the transportation of oxygen and nutrient to the working muscle. this also help to increase the muscle temperature allowing for moreeffective performance.

2) Specific warming up -in specific warming up the individual specially prepare his body for the demands of his particular activity or sports. during this part of the warm up more vigorous activity should be employed .A warmup should be specific to the task required to perform in order to activate the correct energy system and prepare the correct muscle . Activities should reflect the type of movement and action which will required during sport event . this type of warm up follow general warming up . the specific warming up improve coordination abilities . main stress is laid on practicing skills related to  activity or sports . These warm up are different for different types of activities and sports . for example sprinter  can run a short a short before competition , a basketball player can practice free throws etc.
So , it's is observed that warm-up exercise will enhance the performance of athletes if done prior to any sport.


  1. Yes, warming up is very important it can prevent lesions. Also to stretch at the end.

  2. Yes, warming up is very important it can prevent lesions. Also to stretch at the end.

  3. A workout without a warmup always ends badly for me! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Warming up before physical activity is so important especially if you want to avoid an injury!

  5. We all forget to warm up and end up hurting muscles. This sure is a great article.

  6. Yes! Warming up is so vital to your workouts and keeping your muscles loosen for the activities and workouts you are about to put your body through!

  7. Yea. Warm up is important before stretching.

  8. Yea, I agree. Warming up is very impprtant even before stretching.

  9. I couldn't agree more. Remember way back when on winter days when we would let cars warm up before driving? I know, dating myself, 🤫 The principle is the same.

  10. I am guilty of skipping warm ups when I shouldn't!

  11. What a great remind on how important it is to warm up! Thank you!

  12. My husband does exercise everyday. This article is really helpful for him.

  13. I agree with your post. I have learned my lesson the wrong way by not warming up when I went to a boot camp training. Now, I know better to do so and never be late for any classes anymore.

  14. From my experience, I think warming up is very helpful to prepare yourself mentally and physically.

  15. Yes warming up is so good for you and people forget that!

  16. Warming up prevents injuries. It's so important.

  17. I definitely think its good to stretch so your body is prepared to put strain on your joints & ligaments.

  18. I couldn't agree more with this article! Warming up is crucial to your workout's success. People can really hurt themselves if they don't take the time to warm up beforehand.

  19. I was always told that warming up was so crucial to do before excercise to prevent injuries and I think I do find it very effective


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