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Is sunscreens are safe ?

While sunscreens are widely used as a first line of defence against skin cancer, concerns have been raised against them for their effects on endocrine, reproductive, developmental outcomes.
Is sunscreens safe

A new study currently claims that active ingredients in emollient will find yourself in your blood, movement serious queries whether or not the cosmetic product has to be regulated like medicines before use?
The four-group pilot study, led by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) researchers and published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), involved 24 healthy volunteers, to determine whether or not the active ingredients — avobenzone, oxybenzone, octocrylene, and ecamsule — of four commercially available sunscreens (not named in the study) are absorbed into the body during maximum sunscreen use (four times per day for four days).
All the four ingredients tested resulted in plasma concentrations extraordinary zero.5 nanograms per millilitre (ng/mL) — the threshold established by the FDA for potentially waiving some non-clinical toxicology studies for sunscreens — the clinical impact of that remains unknown.
Is sunscreens safe

While "the demonstration of absorption well above the FDA guideline does not mean these ingredients are unsafe, the study findings raise many important questions about sunscreen and the process by which the sunscreen industry, clinicians, specialty organisations, and regulatory agencies evaluate the benefits and risks," Robert Califf and Kanade Shinkai said in an editorial that accompanied the study in JAMA.
Sunscreens are well-known to forestall skin harm by reflective, absorbing, and or scattering ultra-violet (UV) radiation.
Although many countries including Australia and the US regulate sunscreens as medicines or drugs and the active ingredients are evaluated for their safety before they are approved for use in sunscreens, little is known about the harms of systemic exposure for most active ingredients.
“Evidence that sunscreen may be systemically absorbed was indicated by studies in humans as early as 1997; in 2008, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention demonstrated the presence of the common sunscreen ingredient oxybenzone in 97 per cent of urine samples collected as part of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey,” the editorial said.
“However, there's a scarceness of careful and systematic study of a elementary facet of drug development: mensuration of blood levels of active emollient ingredients over time once the merchandise is used as directed,” it added.
According to the government agency, active ingredients in sunscreens that result in systemic absorption greater than 0.5 ng/mL must undergo nonclinical toxicology assessment including systemic carcinogenicity.
Although users presume that companies manufacturing and selling sunscreens have conducted necessary experiments to support the safety and effectiveness of their products. But, sunscreens haven't nonetheless been subjected to straight forward  drugs safety testing.
Further, decades of widespread use clinicians and consumers lack data on systemic drug levels. Moreover, no appropriate trials have been designed yet to understand the optimal sunscreen dose needed to achieve a balance of risk and benefit.


  1. Thanks a lot. This is really informative. We all should know how much risk involved while you use any sunscreen. Great !!


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