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Ketogenic diet-Should we follow

We all know that the basic ingredient of food we eat are carbohydrate, fat and proteins. earlier the basic behind majority of diet plans are to decrease the fats and this lead to decrease in body weight but it is not very much efficient the research show that decreasing the fat in diet results in slight decrease in body weight over a long period of time .
But good thing is that it does not have side effects over long period of time . ketogenic diet is very popular nowdays and used by most of the celebrities to get slim easily .
ketogenic diet benifit

What is Ketogenic diet?

ketogenic diet means you decrease the significant amount of carbohydrate from your diet and increase the fat in the diet i,e carbohydrate (5-10%), proteins (20-25%) and fats (65-70%). This is a misconception that in ketogenic diet you need to increase the protein than normal but in ketogenic diet amount of protein remain normal (1-1.5 gram per kg body weight). The ketogenic diet is low carbohydrate diet it mimics the condition of fasting and starvation this lead to utilization of glucose that formed or  had been stored in the liver. The moment  glucose in body decreases the body start forming glucose via process called gluconeogenesis (generation of glucose from glucogenic protein and amino acid) ,during ketogenic diet theses glycogenic proteins and amino acid provide glucose. By this method body required more energy for gluconeogenesis and gradually this process decreases over period of time and now the glucose start producing from breakdown of fats and triglycerides and the bi-product of this process is ketones , that is why such diets are called ketogenic diet. ketone is a chemical if its level increases above normal then certain harmful effects can be seen on brain , kidney, liver but if your taking ketogenic diet in proper way under supervision of dietitian and nutrition expert than it is observed in research that ketogenic diet produces condition of physiological ketosis ( ideal level of ketones in bodies) and ketones breakdown to produce energy and acetone as bi-product (acetone production result in fruity smell in exhaled breath of individual taking ketogenic diet). when you take protein more as compare to carbohydrate than research shows that proteins satisfy your apetite center faster so its decrease your apetite so it indirectly it reduce their body weight .
ketogenic diet benifit

Benefits of ketogenic diet :

  • improve the mood 
  • suppress appetite center
  • help in decreasing obesity
  • fasten the metabolic processes of body
  • good for patients suffering from hyperlipideimia
  • decrease body weight faster
  • decrease the sugar in body so beneficial for diabetic patients 
  • research show it increase the life span of mice in non clinical studies

But ketogenic diet can be risky if you take it by yourself without knowing the basis behind it or without under supervision of experts.
In most of diets plan we observe the yo-yo effect i.e regain of body weight after stopping the diet plan the same thing applied to ketogenic diet also if you discontinued your diet plan than chances of gaining weight back is also their. when your body has limited glucose than the cells of the body utilizes the limited amount of glucose efficiently so the glucose sensitivity increase so, when you shift from ketogenic diet to normal diet immediately than chances of wight gain is high so it is necessary to have transition phase in between according to research the best transition method is that you take ketogenic diet while decreasing it you follow meditareian diet for long than switch to normal diet . in meditareian you increase the vegetables in your diet and olive oil (major portion) and rest all things are low .

Facts regarding safety of keto diet:

  • In ketogenic diet we consume fat more so cholesterol should increase but it wont happened in ketodiet the total cholesterol ,triglyceride and LDL will decreases but HDL or good cholesterol increases this happened due to high metabolic process of body.
  • In keto diet you decrease carbohydrate so glucose level also decrease leads to increase the sensitivity of glucose so when you shift to normal diet than the chances of regain of body weight is high so there should be transition phase before shifting to normal diet from ketogenic diet.
  • Due to high metabolism the formation of nitrogenous waste increases and leads to adverse effect on kidney on long term use.
  • Blood pressure monitoring is necessary while following ketogenic diet.

Side effect of ketogenic diet

  • Ketogenic diet in long term may cause glucose intolerance , 
  • Decrease alpha and beta cell in pancreas, 
  • Dislipidemia increase fat deposition in liver, have bad effect on bone formation process 


Ketogenic diet is helpful but you should have to understand it basis so you decrease the risk of it and got most healthy effect of ketogenic diet. ketogenic diet should follow minimum for 2-3 weeks and maximum for 12-18 months.      


  1. A good article that points out who actually might benefit from a short term keto diet, that also points out the risks of the diet.


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